Nakshatra Compatibity


MB Kota Chakra

MB Kota Chakra is a Vedic Astrology based chart that gives you information about how illnesses, problems and disputes may affect you. This is based on the arrangement of the 28 nakshatras or constellations differentiated by their sensitivity and the

Astro-KundaliPRO (Professional)  v.4.0

Astro-Kundali PRO (Professional) is an windows based astrology software catering to both main Indian astrology branches namely Vedic and KP (Krishnamurthi Paddhati).


MB Astrology Kundali Match  v.1 80

MB Astrology Kundali Match Software is a rashi based compatibility calculation software based on Vedic Astrology, which attempts to provide an effective analysis of you and your partner's inherent characteristics, as defined by a particular rashi (mo

Astroccult Chaughadia Muhurta Calculator  v.1.0

Astroccult Chaughadia Muhurta Calculator is a 100% free software tool to calculate accurately Chaughadia Muhurtas. In Indian Vedic Astrology,

IE Tweaker  v.2.0

IE Tweaker is a freebie that will help to fix various issues with Internet Explorer. It has also a outstanding number of fixes/tweaks that will help you to enable/disable any options with ease and without getting in to registry.

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